Grading a Blog

Grading a blog is not the same as grading a paper. Papers have a distinct format and they have been graded the same since the beginning of time. Papers need to be formal and the author is not usually himself. Blogs are a lot different. Blogs have no distinct format, and they are rarely graded in a high school class. A new grading system must be created, which brings up the question, how do you grade a blog?
Blogs are informal and the author should express their information the way that they want to. The author should still follow correct grammar, but it doesn’t have to seem like you are reading a college term paper. Expressing who you are in, and the information in the blog is a must for posting. The length of a blog should also be taken into consideration when grading it. Blog posts should be around the same number of words for every post of that blog. The author should not have one post that is 100 words and then another post that is 400 words. The author should try and find some middle ground so that the blog flows. A few sentence blog is not appropriate, when just posting to post. Keeping a blog updated is a must! Never post information and then update a blog 3 weeks later. People will not think that the blog is useful, and realize that author is lazy. Authors should update their blog every single weekday and around the same time. This lets readers know around the time they can visit the blog to read the new information. If the author cannot update the blog this often, then he or she should follow a schedule (once a week on the same day). An example blog that follows this future grading scale is .

Friday, March 6, 2009


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